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The nature and dynamics of world religions: a life-history approach 

      The world religions are characterized by a unique emphasis on specific behaviors that organisms including human has, such as the behavior that intended to benefits others,  and the behavior of having sex with others whom they're not committed to, and the behavior of resisting to the temptation of an immediate pleasure in the hope of obtaining a valuable and long -lasting rewards, and the last is the belief that all of these behaviors of organisms including human are sanctioned by some kind of supernatural justice or it was the right thing to do as by the permission of super human being which is God.


       This article sought to answer why world religions appeared late in human history and appeared only in some particular places. That's why researchers have made an Ecological approach to be able to know what organisms' preferred environment to adapt easily in order to survive. They have used two strategies which the' slow' and 'fast' strategy which they have found out that organisms are tend to adopt a 'fast' strategy in a harsh environment pursuing smaller but certain benefits wherein they has a high chance of survival even there's not enough resources, because they are learned how to think and work to be able to to survive.  While in more affluent environments organisms including humans tend to adopt 'slow' strategies in which they may be in an environment with enough resources but less certain one, that's why the chance of survival gets lower.


       The studies found out that the world religions are associated with the 'slow' strategy in which organisms pursue larger benefits but less certain one. That's explain why world religions appeared late in human history and appeared only in more affluent environment which has the lower chance to survive and to spread religious influences but as the times goes by they have learned how to survive in an environment with less certain benefits and they had the chance to spread the world religions even in more affluent places.



                Nowadays, applied social science has become more important to the life of people and in the society but there are still many assumptions that continue to diminish its importance.

              There are some assumptions that applied social science has the first one is an applied social science is one which applies the principles of pure or basic disciplines to practical problems, which is not true because e and applied natural science. Applied science is still science ... it consists of propositions but it consists essentially in the application of the knowledge which belongs to the theoretical science to the practical problems which are met with in the application of the arts. Next assumption is that there are only one type of Applied Social Science which is also not true because it has 3 branches; the pure, applied and the social science itself.  They are the branches which correlated with each other in order to seek and to resolve the problems. Third is that Applied Social Science cannot specify the ends or the values for their clients, which is definitely not true because we all know that applied social science practitioners are more on dealing with others, providing their needs and assistance to be able to solve their problem. That's why an applied social science can specify the ends or values for their clients as it's their job. And lastly, is resistance to the practical utilization of social science derives mainly from the inadequacy of present day research methods which is not true because we all know that in modern times things are continuously improving due to the technologies. That's why even the research method of the present day is improving that enables them to conduct their study well.

          Those are the assumptions of applied social science that must end in order to give accurate information about it. 



The Culture of 21st Century Education


         In the 21st Century,  the education systems are continuously improving as we are exposed more to modern technologies. Whereas  students are learning to think critically, having good communication with others, being creative and collaborative. Those are the skills that are relevant nowadays in order to improve the quality of life that we have . And that's all because of the 21st century that we're in right now.


              It's purpose is to discuss the quality of education now in the 21st century and how it affects the lives of people, particularly students.


                We are all aware that 21st century education is quite a bit different from what people of yesterday's have.  There are certain changes in today's education that continue to improve the life of every individual.


                It aims to determine what are the practices that this 21st Century education has been imparted in society as well as in our lives.


                 Researchers conducted studies that developed student's being collaborative and innovative  individuals as part of the 21 st Century practices.



Community Engagement Matters


            The main goal of every community is to be stable and successful but this only will happen if all the community leaders and members will agreed upon on each other. They should be joined forces to implement programs or projects inorder it to be successfully done. Leaders should not decide on their own and make some actions, because in every decision they will make it should always be on behalf of their members. They shouldn't engage in some top-down approaches that just bring inefficiencies in the community.


            Its purpose is to set as an eye-opener to everyone in the community that they must do actions towards the institutions they were in together.


            The Community leaders are often attempt to make a top- down approaches that sometimes lead into failures within the Community.


            This study aims to improve the decisions and actions that every leader makes in order to have successful and stable institutions including schools.


            The researchers have made studies that will determine the efforts that every leader does to make a social change.



Cultivating Convergence through Creative Nonfiction: Identity, Development, and the Metaphor of Transfer


            As we all know that creative nonfiction is such a great way to express our passion in writing. Whereas we can write about the topics that we want which happened in real life, such as memoirs and autobiographies. But what we must do is academic writing, which will help us to develop ourselves when it comes to serious and social issues.


            The purpose of this study is to transfer the creative nonfiction into development writing. Whereas we will learn to write things that may help to develop one's self.


               Creative nonfiction has been a medium to create stories to read which happened in real life. But it must be used as ways for development, whereas an individual will write in accordance with knowledge that she/he may share with others.


              The study aims to determine if it is necessary to transfer creative nonfiction into development writing. 


               The researchers conducted studies that proved that it must transfer to development writing as students should learn more beyond creative nonfiction, that they may share with other people.



Why Writing Matters


          In modern times, writing has made a huge impact on the lives of people as it becomes very useful day by day.  Writing really matters especially for those people who were born having an inability to talk. That's why through writing they can be able to express what their mind and heart have been wanting to say.  Another thing, it's very convenient for those people who can't tell what they really feel to someone they actually like. So by means of writing they will have the chance to tell what they want without being shy or stutterd. There are  lots of reasons why writing really matters, and that includes what I've mentioned above.


               The purpose of this is to discuss the significance of writing and to tell why it really matters.


                Writing has been very useful nowadays  as it's the medium of those people who can't express their  emotions through their mouth.


                This study aims to make people understand and appreciate reasons why writing matters.


                Nicholas Albanco conducted studies that will answer why writing really matters in the life of people.



The Conversation partners on £2m research-policy project to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic’s social impacts


     As we are continuously facing the Covid-19 Pandemic, we all know that it has made huge impacts on the life of every individual. Every single day there are lots of  positive cases and deaths that have been reported. The covid-19 continuously affects the life of certain people especially those who're working at minimum wages.And also the economy now is at the verge of sinking due the Pandemic who are experiencing right now.


          It's purpose is to discuss and address the issue of global impacts brought by the Covid-19 Pandemic.


          The Covid-19 Pandemic has made a huge impact globally. That's why it is trying to address this by bringing the editorial expertise to the International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO) which is a two-year£2m project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).


          This study aims to address the issues of global impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic that we've experienced and still experiencing right now.


            To address the certain issues of  Covid-19 global impacts,the International Network for Government Science (INGSA), which through this network tha IPPO will give Uk policymakers easy access to resources, evidence and analysis of global responses to Covid-19 which will become ways on how to make better decisions to address the impacts brought by the Pandemic.



Philippine Politics Under Duterte: A Midterm Assessment 


            In more than two years of Rodrigo Duterte' s presidency, there a lot of things that happend, changes, continuity and regression. There are some positive impacts of Duterte's Administration but there are also many negative impacts that it has brought in the country and in the lives of many people.  


            Its purpose is to discuss the things that happened and currently happening in our country since Duterte was elected as President of the Philippines.


            A lot of things happened during Duterte's Administration, there are changes that made best impacts,and there's also changes for worst.


            The study aims to know the impacts of of Duterte's presidency ever since he was elected for President. It tackles all the programs that he'd make during his administration to determine if he's truly an effective Leader.


            They have made studies that determined the effectiveness of Duterte's Presidency in the life of people and the country.
